Super Spy Girl Camp 06!
It took me a few days, but I ready to start recounting the wild crazy super spy girl activites Omouse and I got up to.First, Omouse's flight was two hours late. Rather typical for Philadelphia. On the Arrivals Board the flight was listed as "Delayed." I asked Information, and they had no idea when the flight was coming in. Lots of flights were delayed, I was told. Storms. Uh-huh.
I brought me book and I read. I tried to be patient, but it was close to 7 pm and Liarbyrd was hungry. Liarbyrd also spent her last dollar on a soda and was so hungry she spoke about herself in third person.
I called Omouse's cell. If there was no answer, she was in the air. If she did answer, she was probably still at the lay over in Chicago. If that was the case, I might as well leave the airport and go find some food.
So I called and imagine my surprise when Omouse answered.
"Where are you?"
"I'm here."
"In Philly?"
"In the toilets actually. Can I call you back?"
So Omouse managed to arrive on the Super Secret Flight that never showed up on the Arrival Board. Cool.
The rest of the evening was spent trying to out race the massive thunder storm and get home before it rained.
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