Counting My Loot
I rummage through my sock drawer this afternoon and found a tacky plaid wallet with 38 pounds. The wallet is from Andy and the mullah is left over from his trip to the UK last year.
I love the way all the good stuff is in my sock drawer.
So the Summer's About to Begin
Getting excited. Very excited. I sent out an email to some potentially interested parties that may want to follow along with us as we galavant around England, Scotland, Cornwall and Wales.
This is how it will work.
While not attached to a computer 24/7, we will be writing in this handy dandy little journal... or at least I will. On Liz and my trip to Spain, the one journal for two people worked rather well... I don't know if 3 to 1 will work... but we'll see.
I'm here!
I am rather impressed by the coolness of Jeny's idea. One week!! Sorry, I seem to be full of exclamtion points today.
I have to admit, this is a cool idea... Wish I'd thought of it...
I'm here too!!
And very much looking forward to the trip!!
Just a quick msg to say we're here!