Friday, July 01, 2005

At Chili's Too

I've spent the entire trip waiting it seems. I'm now waiting for the waitress to acknowlege my existence. Found out something else. I have discovered the LAX Chili's secret. They say the wait is an hour and everyone leaves... so my wait was only 25 minutes. Waitress just delivered me a napkin... with plastic cutlery. Is that so I don't try to hijack the plane with a butter knife? Odd. My headache is back but I think I'm getting used to the stomach knots. I was actually getting hungry. It took me a while to remember I hadn't eaten since 9am.

I hope there's a different movie on the direct flight. On our old plane it was Spidey 2, which I just watched last week with Liz. I like it, I'm just hoping for something different. Still not managing to write in a straight line in the journal. Everything tilts slightly to the right.


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