Friday, July 01, 2005


I suppose this is as good as any place to start. It seems like I usually start in LAX. This time I'm in Terminal 4, Gate 42B. 42A is going to Chicago. I've got an hour and 5 minutes before my plane boards.

I've got a bagel and a half (yes, half), a bottle of Dasani, and all the usual ecoutremants (bloody French spelling) of travel. I forgot my gum. Crap. Okay, have forgotten first item... hopefully only item.

The guy next to me has really white shoes with black shiny strips up to the laces with a black dot at the toe. Wonderful screaming children running amuck as well. I need an aspirin, but Omouse, the smart one that she is, has checked it with her luggage. Sigh. The girls running amuck have taken all the pay phones off the hook and are randomly dialing numbers with a receiver in each ear. I think the little boy wanted to join them, but he couldn't reach.

I've never noticed how evilly mellow the mood music is in LAX when it's not being interrupted with flight or baggage warnings. It's too bad I won't be flying out of the same airport as Mel this time. I'll have to navigate JFK by myself. The last time I was in JFK was when we had to connect from the EVIL Madrid flight with the electic problems and movie without sound. I wonder what the movie will be. Might even see 2. Coolio.


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